Linggo, Hulyo 31, 2016

DAY 2 (Pre-test X Excel X PowerPoint) - 06/25/16

Second day of class and our professor conducted a pre-test to measure our knowledge about computer hardwares and softwares and different computer applications. 
Out of 100 items, I got a passing score of 75. 

After the pre-test our professor discussed our second exercise for the class which is Microsoft Excel. It is a very powerful application in which it can compute mathematical equations in just a click by providing the exact formula. In our we use Microsoft Excel almost everyday especially in our detailed estimates and project accomplishments for our on-going projects. We discussed some shortcuts and tricks in using excel faster.

In the afternoon session, making a video in powerpoint was discussed. I thought that power point is only for slide presentation, I am very amazed that we can also make a video presentation using this application. 
Dr. Roperos taught us the basics and techniques in making a video in power point. Later in the afternoon, we made a 5 slide video for us to familiarize the basics of power point.

This subject is getting more and more interesting every meeting. :)

DAY 1 (Subject Overview X Microsoft Word 101) - 06/18/16

Computer and Internet Application in Research is a very interesting subject for me. I always excited to learn new things and apply it to reality.

Today is our first day of class and we discussed the importance of computer and information technology in our society today and in our perspective field of work. We also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of computers. In today's time if you are a government or even a private employee you need to have a background of using computers or in short you need to be a computer literate.

Application like Microsoft word, excel and power point is very important in our office. Our first exercise today is familiarizing Microsoft word and doing some useful task using the application. We are given 20 exercises for Microsoft Word and will be submitted as early as possible. This exercises gives us more knowledge and techniques in Microsoft Word.

I learned a lot from today’s discussion and exercises especially some shortcuts and tips in using Microsoft Word application.